Silicone Belly
Hello guys! I am Ragini Sharma. I am a resident of Mumbai. I live with my husband. From about 8 years, I and my husband was suffering from the trouble of not having a baby. We secretly consulted with some doctors and tried the available processes like folliculometry, ICI, AIH, AIHD, AID and what not, all sorts of processes I hate. On the other side the behavior of my father in law and mother in law also changed towards me. They always blamed me for this problem. Me and my hubby, both of us were very much tensed because of this problem. We decided to consult with an expert doctor about this problem.
After a week, we got appointment from the expert doctor. After meeting him, we came to know that I am suffering from the problem of total infertility. He suggested us the only way through it, is surrogacy and we should to go to Kolkata and consult with Dr. Sumitra Agarwal for artificial belly, to meet the social requirement and psychological support.
That very day, my husband contacted Dr. Sumitra Agarwal and she invited us to Kolkata. Without wasting much time, we went to Kolkata and met her. She described us about the process and also told us about the fake bellies.
She also described what are Fake bellies, how to use them. It is used by women who goes for a surrogacy to have a child. So I wore a false belly for the entire duration of the pregnancy of the surrogate. Wearing this false belly gave me the real experience. Additionally it supported me to participate in all religious ceremonies related to my pregnancy like ‘godbharai’.
I thank Dr. Sumitra Agarwal for helping us to solve the biggest problem of our life. Today, me and my husband are very happy to have a baby. Also, my parent in law has started behaving lovingly with me. I once again thank Dr. Sumitra Agarwal for helping us enjoy the social recognition.
Ragini Sharma